Friday, June 24, 2011

Summer 2011 MISSING

I am postive that this "rook" is screaming at the top of her lungs calling summer to COME!  Leapin' lizzards...June 24th and it is down to the low 50's overnight and fighting hard to reach 70 during the day. Usually the weather does not get to me but this week it IS getting to me!

This afternoon, I took my computer out to the deck believing I'd sit there and work then put it away and stay out there doing anything.  After an hour though I ... the lily livered wimp ... packed up my stuff and came back into the house.  Couldn't I just be powerful this once and CALL summer into being?  I mean mid-70's would suffice. 

And if being outside wasn't enough of a dream that is not coming warmly true this afternoon, I made the gargantuan mistake of turning on the TV only to SEE and HEAR Whoopie Goldberg appearing in a variety of costumes talk about "leaking."  Why do thy save body function commercials for the leading up to and into the dinner hour?  Or maybe they don't ... maybe they are on all the time, I just don't know it!  I am particularly grateful that my children are grown and my grandchildren are seldomly here at the dinner hour so I don't have to figure out how to answer their question when the commercial showing the forever youthful blissfully happy couple celebrating that he is taking the right pill so "they will be ready" when that "special moment comes. 

Leaking...ready for special moments...all I want is 70 degrees and sunshine.

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