Sunday, June 5, 2011

Norwegian Cemetery Story

No picture ... story first picture will come later!

Spring Grove, Minnesota is the first Norwegian settlement in Minnesota and there are many ways other than historical documents that attest to its Norwegian roots.  Among them...
A week ago I took a trip to the Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Spring Grove, Minnesota where according to regional lore, the old Norwegian caretaker of the cemetery years ago tired of mowing around the grave stones - so he just picked them up, moved all of them to the northeast corner of the cemetery and placed them in neat and tidy rows leaving the rest of the cemetery one green open easy to mow space for the practical man.  And there they stayed until 1975 when the Church did a restoration project placing cement under the stones - two deep in three sections with space between the sections for people to walk among the them.  Then they recorded/engraved in a large book that rests on a stand near the church the names, birth and death dates and location of the actual grave in the midst of the great green open space created by the everything must be in order and easy to care for naturally practical Norwegian caretaker.

Lest you think this is something I just made up, I will post pictures below - as soon as I get them downloaded...!  Though half Norwegian, I am not nearly as practical as the caretaker. Sometimes it takes a picture to make such a tale real. or in a day or two.  It is a gorgeous day and I must get outside.

1 comment:

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