Friday, March 4, 2011

TV News and Commercials

1950'a NBC Morning News Dave Garroway  
As a kid way back in the long long ago commercials during news programs (at least the ones I remember) included Ovaltine, and Anacin and cigarettes and liquor.  At the time none of these things were offensive to me.  The news consisted of world, national and local events with the usual assortment of criminal activity. 

I do NOT remember, alright memory may be fading,  news items about professors demonstrating sex toys to students who "chose to stay and were warned the demonstration may be offensive", nor do I remember saga after saga of actors/actresses breaking the law by using illegal drugs or shoplifting or ... ... ... as my "grands" might say, "like ya know Charlie Sheen, is he like sick or like have his brain cells been destroyed by like drugs and alcohol or being a 'john' on a regular basis?"  And all of this is available on the morning news, March 4, 2011.

I used to enjoy the evening news before dinner.  Well, that was before the commercials became focused on the most unbelievable array of commercials showing animated "germs" that can kill off fungus under the toe nails and chase mucus from our systems ... and oh, ya, I really savor those that urge men to take "this pill" so you are ready for that important opportunity.  Gee I almost forgot, Preparation H is another favorite on the evening news.

More and more I seem to be turning off the TV news and reading the newspaper more fully, checking in on the news online from the Washington Post, NY Times, The Guardian and ALJazeera...all commercial free and I can choose what to read!  When I sit down for breakfast or dinner, the food really does taste much better! 

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