Saturday, March 12, 2011


my front steps
This winter I have cursed the snow - the major snow drifts and piles that made it impossible to see clearly to leave one street and enter the next; drifts that came up over my hips on two different snowfalls required hiring professionals to remove snow from my sidewalks. I had to have my roof cleaned professionally for the first time.  Oh, how I have begged for this winter to end over and over and over since the first BIG snowfall December 11th.  All to no avail.

Now the mountains of snow are beginning to melt...melt by day... freeze by night only to hide under a beautiful thin layer of snow many mornings. 

Instead of heading out the door or stepping confidently out of my car, my brain screams - this is THE ice age!  Take your time.  Step lightly.  Be especially careful curbside where the water runs by day and freezes by night.  My friends have fallen - separated ribs - twisted is THE ice age!  Once again I am reminded of how what is so beautiful can also so dangerous.  I am grateful that my friends did not break hip or arm or leg or pelvis.  Chiropractor and pain meds and ice packs, time off from work lead to their recovery.

Spring officially begins in eight days.  Where I used to look foward primarly to longer days wrapped in the warmth of the sun with the promise of budding trees, spring flowers and rhubarb tentatively poking out of the cold earth, I now just want to stop thinking about watching for ICE.

Spring sweet spring come swiftly so people can move about again safely ... ...

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