Sunday, February 5, 2012

Oh what a week!

Sunday morning sofa time - time to think about the week just past and remember again that I cannot possibly know how the fullness of today will unfold, much less the fullness of the week ahead.  Last Sunday, I had no idea that my dear friend's son would finally successfully be removed from life supports AND strongly begin his journey back to good health; I would find myself assigned to testify at a committee hearing held in the Minnesota Senate; unexpectedly pick a friend up at the airport after her flight earlier in the day was cancelled due to a snowstorm that shut down the Denver airport; watch my granddaughter's dance team take another first place in a mini meet; learn a great deal about nutrition and personal safety at a women's getaway retreat; wake yesterday morning to watch the day dawn revealing Hoar frost crystals adorning the landscape outside my window; and now this morning sit here realizing for the bazillionth time in my life that life is more mystery and surprise that anything else! 

For the week of February 4, 2012, I know that:
~I plan to attend the opera this afternoon with a friend
~The water at the office will be off until at least noon tomorrow - I will work from home in the morning
~I have an appointment to take my Apple MAC BOOK PRO for a tune-up
~It is time to have my teeth cleaned again (grurrahhh, I hate that and I like it too)
~I will work next Saturday - morning and evening

A week from today I will reflect on the week past and see what actually happened; what got rescheduled or cancelled; what "showed up" unexpected and got added!  And I will reflect on the ways I succeeded in keeping my personal commitment to healthy eating and more exercising, remembering that I do better when I celebrate what I was successful at doing than lamenting where I was less successful.  Or maybe I need to re-evaluate the definition of success through the lens of my own life!

February 4, 2012 Hoar frost spectacle

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